Sterling Rook is a Miami native with Masters in Fine Art from Florida International University. He works out of his studio at the Bakehouse Art Complex in Miami, Florida.

Rook’s work uses his skills in metalwork and fabric to further expand the language of sculpture and fiber-art. Forged and welded steel, painted palm fronds, and handmade rope from used clothing, all factor in for Rook in as avenues expanding this visual vocabulary.


Agua Dulce is a queer neurodivergent artist, activist, energy worker, and community organizer born and living in Miami, FL. Their work (via performance, sculpture, tattoos, assemblage, and sound) exists as decolonial tools that explore themes of race, gender, religion, mental health, disability, and the history of power dynamics that have led to the oppression of marginalized peoples. 

They intentionally employ organic and mundane materials as a means to elevate everyday experiences and expand Latin American traditions of magical realism, and they’re captivated by the use of altars as designated sacred spaces of worship and healing for the self.